Classic Safari Challenge

Classic Safari Challenge
Charging into the Dust by Cabtography

Saturday, April 1, 2017

Wednesday 29th March 2017

As Nagoya is only 70kms away and check-in time is never before 3pm we decided to take a drive to Morasaki located on the Chita Hanto peninsula. Travelled through lots of deserted looking towns (similar to France where the buildings hug the road and no-one about). Again, little traffic but lots of traffic lights. Maybe roundabouts would be quicker but no-one seems to be in a hurry. The distances have no bearing to the time it takes to travel somewhere. Only no toll roads today.

We came across a shop that had flying fish blowing in the wind, like wind socks. Phil has been admiring them for several days so we went in and bought a 2mt one. They are Koinobori (carp) and on Children’s day in April/May they are flown to celebrate the carps’ courage and strength and their ability to swim up waterfalls. After purchase we were shown the workshop and given gifts of silk handkerchiefs and a vibrating fish.

We continued along the coast and came to an area where there were about 100 people collecting mussels along the shore whilst the tide was out. Apparently they fill buckets and are charged 1500y (about $18) for 4kgs or 700y for 1 kg.

We reached Nagoya about 4pm and drove down the parking ramp. Out came the security man and measured the length of the Morgan, then motioned us on. He decided that the car was too low slung to fit onto the stacker lift.  Much ado then about where we could park and finally motioned into a space right outside the security man’s office.

At 7pm Michael, the Morgan Club Overseas Liaison Officer, and his wife Junko picked us up and drove us to a tempura restaurant owned by a former chairman of the Club, Mr Katayama. The restaurant has been operated by his family for 50 years. We sat on a low bench (leaving shoes at the door) and the cooking was done in front of us. Food was excellent and more delicate than tempura we have had before…delicious.
Michael & Junko run a business supplying the interiors for Toyota, currently Lexus. The business has been in Junko’s family for 60 years.
Mr Katayama was absolutely delighted with the Morgan badge. He stood at the door waving to us until we were out of sight.

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