Tuesday 31st October 2017
Umhlanga to Umngazi
Umhlanga to Umngazi
Breakfast was on the hotel terrace overlooking the ocean with southern right whales passing by on their way south. We got on to the N2 and skirted Durban which is a very spread out city. Traffic police and speed cameras were about as we headed south to Port Shepstone.
Sugar cane is growing all around and trucks carrying it are not covered so there are pieces of sugar cane all along the sides of the road.
We cannot understand the tollway tag in our hire car. Sometimes it bips and we don't pay, other times a toll fee is payable. In any event the tolls are very cheap compared to Japan.
The first test of the day is at the Dezzi Raceway. Once around the track with three witches hats (which actually turned out to be 40 gallon drums) on the final straight. It was amusing to watch from the sidelines the number of cars being driven straight past the drums, or entering from the wrong side.
The raceway is close to the coast so we drove through many areas with holiday or retirement homes, Shelly Beach, Margate & Port Edward.Back on to the R61 there were lots of roads under construction and the inevitable delays. We passed many villages with flat roofed houses and painted in bright colours. Women by the roadside selling bits & pieces had smeared their faces with yellow powder as sun protection. Not sure what they used but it looked like the fever tree powder.
Still on the R61 we passed through rolling hills and the villages of Bizana, Flagstaff and Lusikisiki. More rondavels around here with washing hung out to dry. The most popular colours for houses appear to be peach, turquoise or yellow. The roads have numerous speed humps which certainly slow down traffic but is mighty uncomfortable for those in the car. Cows and goats wander at will so it was not surprising to see that we averaged only 67kph this afternoon.
Our hotel for the night was on the Umngazi River.
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