Classic Safari Challenge

Classic Safari Challenge
Charging into the Dust by Cabtography

Monday, April 24, 2017

Thursday 20th April, 2017
Kyoto to Nara   (73kms)

A late start into the hills and forests around Nara.

Three Regularities before lunch- narrow rural roads with some traffic and mirrors at blind corners.

Regularity one started at 42kph, down to 34kph and then 32kph. Sounds easy but throw in deep gutters, narrow roads and sharp corners and some traffic and you can soon get behind.

Regularity two was only about 2.6kms in length but had a very tight right hair pin bend. It was a self start at the beginning of a narrow road uphill to the left. A quarry truck was in front of us and we didn’t see the crossed flags starting point as the truck obscured our view and we had to reverse.

A local car arrived at the same time as us at the hair pin bend and went ahead and we hoped it wouldn’t slow us down as there are few opportunities to pass on these narrow roads. We had to do a three point turn to get around the tight bend.

Just after the finish of this Regularity we came across a large group of locals who were bird watching. They were lined up on the side of the road with their huge professional cameras on tall tripods. The cameras were pointed up the hill so hope we didn’t disturb the birds!

Regularity three started in a road with tea plantations on either side. Average speed was 36kph, down to 34kph then down again to 24kph. The tea plantations here, as you would expect, are so neat and manicured.

Arrived at the hotel in Nara, dropped our bags, parked and then headed by shuttle bus or taxi for lunch at the Museum, in the National Park where all the deer roam about. You can buy Shika Senbei which are special crackers for them.
After lunch we went into the Museum where there was a special exhibition by the Buddhist Master Sculptor Kaikei. Most of the sculptures were wooden and from the 10th to 13th centuries. Exquisite detail on many of them.

We walked back to the hotel via various lanes and happened across some old houses, double story, attached at the lower level with walls of corrugated iron. A real contrast to the modern buildings near them.

A sword demonstration took place during dinner.

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