Day 13 Friday 25th November 2016
San Juan to La Rioja (482 kms)
First test today was a fast circuit of one and a quarter laps at Autodromo El Zonda, just 14kms out of town making a change from the dusty, rocky roads.
Onwards the scenery through here was sandy dry scrub with soaring Andes in the background. Lots of abandoned stone houses...the structure was still there but no roof. The road had many dips and spillways.
The route to the first Regularity was through dry river beds and a particularly narrow one way tunnel (where we happened to meet a van coming the other way, we backed off).
The Regularity was called Lunar Valley due to the unusual lunar landscape. We had to be pushed started because the ignition switch was playing up but we thought at the time that it was the battery.
All cars drive with their lights on, so with lights on, radiator fan on & wipers going, we thought the battery must have been drained.
One unusual thing we have seen along the roadsides is heaps of plastic bottles with maybe a little grotto in the middle. At first we thought it must have been dumping places, or places to put recycling bottles but a locals told one of the team that it was to do with fertility.
Starting to appear on the landscape now were tall thin cactus plants which are now blooming with creamy coloured flowers. Also reddish rock formations and the wind is back!
Later in the day Phil noticed a loud destructive sounding rubbing noise- no time to investigate and we completed the circuit at La Rioja. At the hotel the investigation revealed a suspected broken spring. The local guide found a suspension (elastico) shop selling all manner of things for cars and bikes. We bought a leaf spring much to the other customers' amusement. It was from a Fiat, wider than what we wanted but thought we could modify on the next rest day.
Peter and David in a hire car (their 1939 Ford Coupe had broken down) took our luggage to take weight off the rear end.
Today was the hottest day we have experienced, around 42 degrees so it was a relief to get to the hotel.
San Juan to La Rioja (482 kms)
First test today was a fast circuit of one and a quarter laps at Autodromo El Zonda, just 14kms out of town making a change from the dusty, rocky roads.
Onwards the scenery through here was sandy dry scrub with soaring Andes in the background. Lots of abandoned stone houses...the structure was still there but no roof. The road had many dips and spillways.
The route to the first Regularity was through dry river beds and a particularly narrow one way tunnel (where we happened to meet a van coming the other way, we backed off).
The Regularity was called Lunar Valley due to the unusual lunar landscape. We had to be pushed started because the ignition switch was playing up but we thought at the time that it was the battery.
All cars drive with their lights on, so with lights on, radiator fan on & wipers going, we thought the battery must have been drained.
One unusual thing we have seen along the roadsides is heaps of plastic bottles with maybe a little grotto in the middle. At first we thought it must have been dumping places, or places to put recycling bottles but a locals told one of the team that it was to do with fertility.
Starting to appear on the landscape now were tall thin cactus plants which are now blooming with creamy coloured flowers. Also reddish rock formations and the wind is back!
Later in the day Phil noticed a loud destructive sounding rubbing noise- no time to investigate and we completed the circuit at La Rioja. At the hotel the investigation revealed a suspected broken spring. The local guide found a suspension (elastico) shop selling all manner of things for cars and bikes. We bought a leaf spring much to the other customers' amusement. It was from a Fiat, wider than what we wanted but thought we could modify on the next rest day.
Peter and David in a hire car (their 1939 Ford Coupe had broken down) took our luggage to take weight off the rear end.
Today was the hottest day we have experienced, around 42 degrees so it was a relief to get to the hotel.
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